How Good Is Your Digital Presence? Take Our Fun 80s Quiz!

Have you taken our “Which 80’s Song is my Website?” quiz yet? We had a lot of fun looking back at the old days of Pac-Man and the dawn of MTV. If you’ve taken our quiz and seen your results, do you feel satisfied with how your website is performing? If you’re not completely sure about what’s involved in creating a website that truly performs for your company, we have suggestions. 

Unfortunately, creating a great website is not enough to attract customers forever. Websites age and become less usable with time. Content becomes dated, and layout gets cluttered. Investing in a website redesign and ongoing maintenance and digital marketing will make a big difference in bringing users to your website and making their experience positive. And happy users are far more likely to become happy customers. 

Here are the basics of a great online digital presence:

Powerhouse Website

How old is your website? About half of new users will leave a website because of poor functionality, and a dated look or old photos also drives people away and leaves a bad impression. If your website is outdated in look or functionality, we can fix that. What do you need? 

Strong User Confidence

To build user confidence when they visit your website, you should include positive customer reviews as well as posted privacy and accessibility policies. Your website should load quickly, be user tested to correct any problems, and have secure sockets layer (SSL) technology as well as enabled HTTPS technology for increased data security.

Proactive Digital Marketing

Analytics will tell you who your users are and how they are interacting with your website and if they are finding it easy to navigate to your most important pages. In addition to improving your website, there are other steps you can take to improve your company’s overall digital profile online.  If you are not satisfied with your traffic or conversions, we recommend:

  • Utilizing HubSpot for your CRM and marketing
  • Investing in digital advertising
  • Regularly reviewing your web analytics
  • Marketing on social media

Businesses that want to optimize their digital presence and provide a better customer experience regularly invest in their websites and digital marketing. If you want a website that performs to your satisfaction and increases your traffic, sales and conversions, Corporate Conversions can help. Contact us today to discuss the improvements you need to make to explode your company’s growth in 2023.