Why Should You Make Web Accessibility a Priority?

Accessibility is an issue for a large percentage of web users. More than one in four people are disabled in the United States. These people need access to the same information as every user. It’s up to website owners to ensure that they have it. If you have not yet taken steps to improve web accessibility on your site, now is the time to improve your users’ online experience and your site’s SEO. 

What Are the Benefits of Web Accessibility?

Sites that invest resources into improving accessibility:

  • Reach a wider audience
  • Improve usability and SEO
  • Build positive relationships with customers
  • Avoid discrimination complaints and lawsuits
  • May be eligible for government tax credits

What Is the Process? 

The first step is to set up an accessibility tool to help users navigate your website. To let your users know about your behind-the-scenes accommodation efforts, you should also add an accessibility statement to your site. This is a page that describes to your visitors your commitment to accessibility and lets them know exactly what tools are available on your site and how they can access them. It also lets them know who to contact if they have any difficulties. 

An accessibility statement shows that you are compliant with any applicable anti-discriminations laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Many companies have had to navigate complaints from customers, and an average of three ADA lawsuits are filed in Federal court every day. 

The next step in the process is to scan your website for any problems and then fix any errors to meet and exceed legal requirements for accessibility

Corporate Conversions offers this service to our clients starting at $900/year or $100/month. We will install an accessibility tool, monitor it monthly, and fix errors to remain up to date on web accessibility. Are you ready to invest in web accessibility and show all of your customers your commitment to their user experience on your website? Fill out our contact form to get started.