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On-page SEO

The SEO recipe for success…it’s more than just keywords.

Everyone wants to be at the top of the page when someone googles their business – so what’s the secret ingredient? We’ve been leaders in search engine optimization for years, and we think you’ll find we have some of the best cooks in the SEO kitchen. There’s no quick fix when it comes to SEO success, but we know the proven tricks of the trade, and we keep an eye on the ranking factors in the algorithm that Google utilizes for its searches.

Keywords and industry terms are important, but equally as important in the mix are things like blogging, social media presence, ad campaigns, and directory listings. It’s all part of the recipe we use to boost your business’s visibility and rankings. You’ll find we revisit our recipe over time and that our tweaks give your business the edge it needs. We don’t like to brag, but in West Michigan, we think our recipe is the best.

Our On-page SEO Services include:

Keyword research

to determine the focus keyword of prominent pages

Meta title and description optimization

to let search engines know what your web page is about

Page heading and content restructuring

to provide structure to the page and allow search engines to effectively understand your website content

Conversion optimization

for both lead generation and ecommerce success

Competitor research

to identify what SEO strategies are working for industry peers