The Art of Crafting Landing Page SEO

Website owners who focus on optimizing their landing pages may not be aware of its importance to SEO.  Google ranks landing pages based on how much time a user spends on average on a page. Landing pages that have a high bounce rate may signal to Google that this page does not have any useful information users want to read, so having a high bounce rate can affect a site’s landing page rankings in a negative way. Crafting the right landing page SEO will result in better search rankings, more traffic, and better conversions.

Businesses whose owners understand this put a great deal of effort into optimizing their landing pages for SEO instead of simply optimizing these pages for conversion.  They use specifically chosen keywords along with direct calls to action and expected user search terms.  While a landing page can be any page a visitor is directed to visit, it’s often a page created in conjunction with a pay-per-click (PPC) ad.  Because of this, landing pages often influence  a visitor’s first impression about a company and affect user experience.

With that in mind, what are the ways in which a landing page is optimized for SEO? While landing pages are meant to grab a user’s attention, SEO crafters must also consider user intent. Highlighting specific keywords in conjunction with engaging calls to action and headlines is good practice.

The textual content included on a landing page should be optimized for both conversion and SEO.  This is especially easy for landing pages promoting a particular niche product or service. Use specific keywords relevant to users’ search queries here.

At times, however, optimizing  for both SEO and conversion can be at odds. Image-heavy content that improves conversion rates can be detrimental to SEO as very little text is seen by search engines.  Business owners may seek to fix this by including long product descriptions within the alt text or underneath the product image.  In such a scenario, striking a balance becomes an art – the art of crafting landing page SEO.